Sky Spirit Shamanic Private Sessions:

Supporting Healing, Wholing, Empowerment and Life Transformation (2 hours)

The following services are offered to assist you in living a conscious life, free of blockages, in vibrant energy and health, with full potential to manifest the life of your dreams. Private sessions are offered in-person and through virtual means (phone, teleconference, webinar, Skype, FaceTime). 

$222 Each


Amplify your transformative capacities through on-going support.

$888 for 5 sessions (to be used within 3 months for best results)

Through an intuitive blend of several healing/wholing and empowerment modalities, our collaboration will serve to maximize your personal and professional potential. Our work honors the Truth that you are the creative, masterful expert in your life. Our intention is that you be and feel empowered with wisdom and skills to step into your path as self-healer on a conscious, masterful spiritual journey. Based on your needs and intentions for each session, we may use some of all of the following modalities to create a gentle and sustainable life-transformation process:

• Intuitive energy readings

• A cadre of life-coaching skills integrated through an internationally certified program

• Crystal Shamanic Glossary Link Reiki and healing attunement for deepest body, mind, and spiritual healing

• Shamanic journeys, soul and destiny retrievals, archetype and past-life discoveries, and energy cord clearing to be free of toxic or complete relationships 

• Channeled meditations and healing energies from The Stargate Experience, which allows us to access angelic and other multi-dimensional spirit helpers 

• Aura and chakra clearing, balancing, and re-energizing

• Tarot, Oracle, or Medicine Card readings 

  • Receiving and/or learning conscious channeling and other tools for deepest intuitive access

• Tibetan Antahkarana symbols

  • Chakra Sound Bath


Benefits may include:

• Release negative thought patterns related to criticism, anger, fear, scarcity, and perfectionism

• Create healthier lifestyle patterns, habits, and boundaries

• Create healthy, harmonious, authentic, enriching relationships

• Deepen intuition, psychic capacities, connection with angels and guides and other spiritual gifts 

• Prevent and heal stress-related health issues

• Navigate difficult life transitions from a place of empowerment

• Discover and clarify life purpose plus release special gifts into the world

• Increase focus on dreams, desires and goals, with less distractions

• Invite and empower the most creative life-path to unfold

• Express spontaneity, confidence, assertiveness, integrity, gratitude, love and joy

• Contribute to our global and cultural transformation